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April 2011 Archives

Stoddard cell tower debated

April 20, 2011 12:00 PM -- news writing

As published in the April 20, 2011 edition of The Keene Sentinel, and online.

STODDARD -- Cell phone users waiting for reception where Route 9 passes through Stoddard will keep waiting.

Medicare and medicaid

April 6, 2011 11:54 AM -- news writing

As published on page one of the April 6, 2011 edition of the Keene Sentinel, and online.

Republican leaders in the U.S. House unveiled a budget plan Tuesday that took aim at two of the biggest recipients of federal dollars: Medicare and Medicaid.

What are these programs -- with their confusingly similar names -- and how are they used here in the Monadnock Region?


April 2, 2011 12:00 PM -- news writing

As published on page 13 of the April 2, 2011 edition of The Keene Sentinel, and online.

Six men sat down to share a lunch of pizza and Pepsi at Structal Bridges in Claremont on Monday. Three were experienced metal workers with between two years and more than a decade of experience with the company, shaping and assembling metal beams into bridges and overpasses for installation around the Northeast.

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